Course Description

This course is a laboratory course in writing, with written exercises every week. We will ask you to share these exercises with other students for comment and criticism and in some cases to rewrite and rework an exercise as a second assignment. We ask you to save all of your written work in a portfolio. You may also wish to keep a written "journal" as part of this portfolio as you look at art, read, or work on assignments. Writing (like exercise) improves the more you do it.

The subject matter represented in this course, "Asian art," is meant both to inform you and to give you pleasure. The subject of this course, however, is "writing about" (both art and Asia). To write well, reading is a major component - both to read well, to read good stuff, and to read often. We have ordered two survey books on Indian and Chinese art and one one short study on "looking" at sacred art in India as reference for you in your reading, writing, and thinking. These are available at the Penn Book Center: